Hi! To all the readers present here. This is a blog dedicated to all book lovers if you are not one of them, do read this blog it will excite you to read books.
Talking about books the first book that comes to my mind is IKIGAI.
This is a life changing book which I refer to all of my readers. Ikigai is written by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles. The only thing they talk about is finding goal and purpose in your life which they learned after visiting Okinawa Island in Japan. They explain the below given diagram to us :You should definitely read this.
- The next book I would refer is Zen written by Shunmyō Masuno. Who was a Zen teacher.
In this book he talks about how can we solve our life issues. How do we deal with them? This book is all about that. It consists of 100 chapter each of just 2 pages. Thinking about living simply you should read this.
- The next book I will talk about is written by a Indian author and monk about whom I have talked in my previous blog How to deal with mental stress?. Yes it is Gaur Gopal Das my favorite author. He has written 3 books but in this blog we will discuss about his latest book Energize your mind.
He talks about dealing with different problems like: anxiety, FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), depression, guilt, toxic behavior and many more. It is a must read book for teens.
This was all for this blog. Hope you enjoyed, do follow my blog, comment and share this. It encourages me a lot for writing interesting blogs for my readers.